Poor college girl Hazuki cannot afford to pay her tuition, but does not want to quit on her dreams of becoming a doctor. So Hazuki must set her foot into the Priest's Caves to find out how to get magical healing powers to bypass getting a degree to becoming a doctor.
Gaming Deets
Poor college girl Hazuki cannot afford to pay her tuition, but does not want to quit on her dreams of becoming a doctor. So Hazuki must set her foot into the Priest's Caves to find out how to get magical healing powers to bypass getting a degree to becoming a doctor.
• Cute
• Funny
• Cool
Development History
This game is the final project for ChairGTables's CPE 482 Embedded Games Development class, where students must create a game for any game system they want. It was standard to develop for the mobile devices through Unity, but Chair, thinking a GBA game would be cool, decided to develop a game for the Game Boy Advance. Unfortunately, many resources for developing GBA games are no longer available online, leaving Chair into so much confusing. After six months into the semester, Chair finally was able to develop a platformer game with only one minute worth of gameplay. It's comedic in the class that many students already have a large portion of their game finished after a few months, but Chair couldn't even get the tiles of the stages to appear, meaning that all levels were invisible within the first months of the semester.
• Cute
• Funny
• Cool
"I will never again develop a GBA game. Ever." - ChairGTables, 2017