An evil being has taken control of a terrorist group. Four heroes must stop him. This game can support up to four players.
This game contains sprites from other games such as Mario, MvC, and Final Fantasy. They have no affiliation with LAME Dimension
Gaming Deets

Gateway of Rage

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The world is being consumed by darkness. Four brave heroes are going to stop it. Help them complete their mission.
• Play up to throw players
• Featuring Emoman from the Emoman series
• Four stages with crazy enemies like clowns, tanks, and zombies
Development History
ChairGTables wanted to create a four player game to play with his friends. The game was almost discontinued by stage 3 but Chair pushed on and lazily made one last stage. Upon completion, expectations were not met as nobody wanted to play four players with him.
• Shooting sounds sometimes stop abruptly, as each bullet has their own following property and deletes itself if a player character does not exist
"I really think what discouraged me the most from finishing this game was when I kept asking my friends that I always do Halo 2 seshes with to try out this game with me for the Four player experience but they never wanted to. I don't blame them. Halo 2 was the rage during that time. I loved it so much too but I really wanted to try out making a fun four player game myself. But I never got to try out this game with more than two players. Basically, the whole motivation behind this game was just the four player mode. I had an epic last stage idea but I scrapped all and just lazily made it in the same format as the rest." - ChairGTables, 2016